Currency Wars Alert

Currency Wars Alert

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Jim Rickards' Currency Wars Alert

Jim RickardsCurrency Wars Alert has one mission — help you profit from the ongoing global currency wars. According to him, we've been in a global currency war since 2010, and that is good news because currency wars are man-made investment opportunities that can give you clear paths to massive gains. Rickards suggests that as different currencies strengthen and weaken around the globe, there are specific investments you can buy and sell which are all but guaranteed to go up as a result. To this day, leaders in finance, politics and the intelligence community consider Rickards the world's foremost expert on the U.S. dollar and seek his counsel on the impact of global currency wars.

  • The idea behind Currency Wars Alert is simple: Central bankers the world over are constantly debasing their currencies by printing more and more money. Meanwhile, other currencies are becoming stronger at the same time.

  • All of Jim Rickard's recommendations can be easily bought through your ordinary brokerage account.

  • His contacts and experience will allow you to hear the most crucial strategic market intelligence first, so you can profit before anyone else.

  • This newsletter keeps you up-to-date on the latest news from the frontlines in the global currency wars and shows you how to make investments to make big gains.

  • With Currency Wars Alert, you too will have the opportunity to hear Rickards' best ideas on an ongoing basis and profit from them.