Dividends Still Don't Lie

Dividends Still Don't Lie

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Dividends Still Don't Lie: The Truth About Investing in Blue Chip Stocks and Winning in the Stock Market

Dividends Still Don’t Lie teaches a value-based strategy to investing, one that uses a stock's dividend yield as the primary measure of value. It details a straightforward system of investing in stick-to-quality blue-chip stocks with reliable dividend histories. This book also discusses how to buy and sell when dividend yields instruct you to do so. With Dividends Still Don't Lie, you'll gain the confidence to make sophisticated stock market decisions and obtain solid value for your investment dollars.

Praise for Dividends Still Don't Lie

"In the coming years, there will be increased focus on income and dividends as Boomers look to turn their savings into retirement income. A solid grasp of dividends and how they work will be a basic requirement. Fortunately, Kelley Wright has updated the basic primer on dividends and their importance."

John Mauldin, Editor, Thoughts from the Front Line e-letter; author, Bull's Eye Investing

"Kelley's new book provides excellent information on critical investment value of stocks that pay dividends. This book should be read and studied by all serious investors."

Richard Russell, Editor, Dow Theory Letters

"Kelley Wright has taken the success strategy of dividends to a new level. In an age when many claims to have discovered a new path to Wall Street success, Kelley has refreshed and refined the value-based system that uses dividends as a guide to income and profits. A whole new generation of investors will benefit."

George Chamberlin, Editor, Investing for Rookies

"What a great update of a truly great book for investors! Kelley has done a terrific job for individual investors and also for our clients who are privileged to use Investment Quality Trends investment advisory services. Understanding what dividends can do for your portfolio is vitally important for investing over a lifetime."

James B. Jackson, Jackson Financial Services

"A must-read for every stock market investor. Dividends Still Don't Lie is the long-awaited update on a tried-and-true discipline. This method tells you when a blue-chip stock is undervalued enough to buy or overvalued enough to consider selling. "

Kim and Charles Githler, Co-Founders, MoneyShow