Economic Freedom and Interventionism

Economic Freedom and Interventionism


Economic Freedom and Interventionism is an exceptional book written by the acknowledged leader of the Austrian school of economic thought, a prodigious originator in economic theory, and a prolific author – Ludwig von Mises. A primer of the fundamental thought and anthology of the Austrian School of economics, the book also includes a discussion of inequality of wealth, inflation, socialism, welfare, and economic education, and noneconomic relations between human beings. It also tackles capitalism and free enterprise, and the various types of socialism, including liberalism, social democracy, and communism, and shows the connection and shared values and purposes of all.

Economic Freedom and Interventionism Table of Contents

PART I: Economic Freedom

1. The Economic Foundations of Freedom
2. The Individual in Society
3. The Elite under Capitalism
4. The Economic Role of Saving and Capital Goods
5. Luxuries into Necessities
6. The Saver as a Voter
7. The Market and the State
8. The Outlook for Saving and Investment
9. Inequality of Wealth and Incomes

PART II: Interventionism
10. The Why of Human Action
11. Deception of Government Intervention
12. The Agony of the Welfare State
13. Wage Interference by Government
14. Unemployment and the Height of Wage Rates
15. Wage Earners and Employers
16. Full Employment and Monetary Policy
17. Gold versus Paper
19. Inflation
20. Inflation: An Unworkable Fiscal Policy
21. Socialism, Inflation, and the Thrifty Householder
22. Inflation Must End in a Slump
23. The Plight of Business Forecasting

PART III: Mises as Critic
24. Why Read Adam Smith Today?
25. The Marxian Class Conflict Doctrine
26. The Marxian Theory of Wage Rates
27. The Soviet System’s Economic Failure
28. On Some Atavistic Economic Ideas
29. Capital and Interest: Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk and the Discriminating Reader
30. The Symptomatic Keynes
31. Professor Hutt on Keynesianism
32. The Trade Cycle
33. How Can Europe Survive?
34. The Economic Point of View
35. Liberty and Its Antithesis
36. Man, Economy and State: A New Treatisecon economics
37. Understanding the Dollar Crisis
38. The Secret of American Prosperity
39. A Dangerous Recommendation for High School Economics
40. Foreign Spokesmen for Freedom
41. Freedom Has Made a Comeback

PART IV: Economics and Ideas
42. The Objectives of Economic Education
43. On Current Monetary Problems
44. On the International Monetary Problem
45. Small and Big Business
46. Economics as a Bridge for Interhuman Understanding
47. Economic Freedom in the Present-Day World