Asset Allocation has rounded out many portfolios, and the world’s wealthiest continue to keep their money invested in such a way. Everything You Need to Know About Asset Allocation guides you through the process of how this advanced investment technique works and what you need to do to reap the benefits. The basics of asset allocation, from the simplest details to the most complex forms, are explained to ensure you understand where your money will be going. You will learn how fixed-income investments can be made and how to begin looking at real estate as a source of asset allocation. Your asset allocation needs, regardless of your financial situation, will be met with the information in this guide.
Everything You Need to Know About Asset Allocation will teach you how to understand the fundamental risks in every one of your investments and what they will mean for you.
Experts and practiced investors throughout the financial community have been interviewed and their insights compiled in this book to help you understand the basics of alternative investment, portfolio building, and successful management of risk and investment.
You will learn who the top mutual fund providers are and be given lists of the top providers of advice, services, and information in the world of asset allocation.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Why Asset Allocation?
Chapter 2: Risk
Chapter 3: Stocks
Chapter 4: Bonds
Chapter 5: Alternative Investments
Chapter 6: The Makings of Asset Allocation
Chapter 7: Asset Allocation in Practice
Chapter 8: Setting Up an Investment Portfolio
Chapter 9: How Are You Doing?
Chapter 10: Fees and Taxes
Chapter 11: Professional Advice
Appendix A: Risk Tolerance Questionnaire
Glossary of Terms
Author Biography