Finance, Investment and Economic Fluctuations

Finance, Investment and Economic Fluctuations

Full Name
Finance, Investment and Economic Fluctuations: An Analysis in the Tradition of Hyman P. Minsky

Finance, Investment and Economic Fluctuations book provides an innovative tribute to Minsky's work and sheds new light on the nature of economic fluctuations and financial instability. It provides a contemporary analysis of the relationship between finance, investment, and fluctuations. This book focuses on the contributions of Hyman P. Minsky and, in particular, on his financial instability hypothesis. Finance, Investment and Economic Fluctuations will prove invaluable to scholars of macroeconomics and finance.

Praise for Finance, Investment, and Economic Fluctuations

"The book is well written and is worth reading because it presents an author whose ideas can illuminate the present evolution of the 'new economy'."

— Piero Ferri, The Economic Journal