From Strength to Strength

From Strength to Strength

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From Strength to Strength: Finding Success, Happiness, and Deep Purpose in the Second Half of Life

From Strength to Strength is a practical roadmap for finding purpose, meaning, and success in life. In this book, bestselling author and Harvard professor Arthur C. Brooks shares counterintuitive strategies for releasing old habits and forming new life practices. From Strength to Strength offers an essential guide to help you thrive in the second half of life. Packed with practical advice, it helps readers stop dwelling on past successes and find fulfillment in the present. Drawing on social science, philosophy, biography, theology, and eastern wisdom, as well as dozens of interviews with everyday men and women, Arthur C. Brooks refocuses on certain priorities and habits that anyone can learn, such as deep wisdom, detachment from empty rewards, connection and service to others, and spiritual progress.


  • Happiness is not just up to chance

  • The striver's curse

  • Our natural strengths change—and we need to get from one success curve to the second

  • Don't add without subtracting

  • Happiness is based on love


  • Kick the habits of workaholism, success addiction, and self-objectification

  • Meditate on death-in order to beat fear and live well

  • Start a spiritual adventure

  • Embrace weakness in a way that turns it into strength


"To the overachievers, success addicts, and tired strivers who are fairly confident you can’t keep it up forever but will try anyway—this book is for you. Arthur Brooks shows you it’s possible to build a life that really does get better with age."

Simon Sinek, optimist and author of Start with Why and The Infinite Game

"From Strength to Strength is a wise and inspiring guide to reimagining the rest of your life. If you’re a striver tired of striving, this remarkable book is for you."

—Dan Harris, author and former ABC News anchor

"Brooks appears to have a clear strategy here: first he terrifies you, then he bucks you up. An alternate title for this book could be The Good News About Your Inevitable Decline. Most of us strivers believe we can keep racing until we run out of road. Arthur is trying to save us pain and maximize our contributions to the species."

—Dan Harris, author and former ABC News anchor

"Arthur Brooks is one of my very favorite thinkers. Witty, wise, and insatiably curious, he is one of the few intellectuals who can reliably weave scientific research and everyday observations into what we all really need: succinct advice for a good life."

—Angela Duckworth, founder and CEO of Character Lab and author of Grit

"In this sparkling book, Arthur Brooks considers one of the oldest and deepest questions in the spiritual tradition, namely, how to navigate the tricky waters that separate the first and second halves of life.  I found inspiration and hope literally on every page."

—Bishop Robert Barron, founder of Word on Fire Catholic Ministries and auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles

"From Strength to Strength offers real answers to timeless questions about happiness and progress: How can I be happier? How can I have more meaning in life? What is the most important thing to me right now and why?"

Eric Schmidt, former chairman and CEO of Google