Investing in Municipal Bonds

Investing in Municipal Bonds

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Investing in Municipal Bonds: How to Balance Risk and Reward for Success in Today's Bond Market

Investing in Municipal Bonds is the retail investor’s road map to the lucrative market that is fueling the digital and physical highways of the future. It shows you how it’s done on Wall Street, providing a wealth of pertinent examples from the real world. You can rely on this powerful guidebook for the know-how and skillset you need to succeed in this market. Bond yields will eventually rebound from these historic lows and bring increased risk. Investing in Municipal Bonds will give you the knowledge you need to adjust your risk and balance profit for continued success toward your financial goals.

Praise for Investing in Municipal Bonds

“In addition to an accessible discussion of this unique market’s financial structures, Fischer provides the historical context for why the market evolved the way it did―and how that history may influence municipal bond investments in an era of slow economic growth and rising costs for retirees.”

Michael Stanton, Publisher, The Bond Buyer

“If there were a graduate program in Municipal Finance, Dr. Fischer’s treatise would quickly climb to the top of the syllabus.”

James T. Colby III, Senior Municipal Strategist/Portfolio Manager, Van Eck Global

“Dr. Fischer brings a ‘what you need to know’ approach to the novice and the experienced practitioner alike. He poignantly relates how the very nuanced market structure influences and prices this market. Even with my over 25 years in the business, this book earns a trophy spot on my muni reference shelf.”

Joseph Campagna, Senior Vice President, BayernLB, Financial Institutions & Sovereigns

“A well-written, thorough, and meticulous primer to the history, the instruments, and the segments that comprise the municipal bond market.”

Professor John Chalmers, Abbott Keller Distinguished Research Scholar, Associate Professor of Finance, Charles H. Lundquist College of Business, University of Oregon

“If you would like to learn more about municipal bonds so that you know how to check off each item on the checklist, I highly recommend buying Investing in municipal bonds.”

David Waring, LearnBonds