Land of Promise

Land of Promise

Full Name
Land of Promise: An Economic History of the United States

Land of Promise is a book that discusses the economic history of the United States of America. A time frame that ranges from the Revolutionary War to the Great Recession, it extends to the era of technology-driven changes that led to growing misalignment between an innovative economy and anachronistic legal and political structures. It includes the transformation of emerging technology, including the steam engine, electricity, the internal combustion engine, and computer technology. Land of Promise explains how the US economy has flourished, and how the government and business, labor and universities, have worked together in a never-ending project of economic nation building. This demonstrates how Americans, since the earliest days of the republic, have reinvented the American economy - and have the power to do so again.

Table of Contents
1 A Land of Promise
The Preindustrial Economy

2 Nation Building
3 The First American Economy
The Age of Steam
4 "There Is Nothing That Cannot Be Produced by Machinery": The First Industrial Revolution
5 American Systems
6 Plain Mechanic Power: The Civil War and the Second Republic
7 The Iron Horse and the Lightning
The Motor Age
8 Franklin's Baby: Electricity, Automobiles, and the Second Industrial Revolution
9 The Day of Combination
10 The New Era
11 A New Deal for America
12 Arsenal of Democracy
13 The Glorious Thirty Years
14 The Great Dismantling
The Information Age
15 As We May Think: The Third Industrial Revolution
16 The Bubble Economy
17 The Next American Economy