Mr. Market Miscalculates

Mr. Market Miscalculates

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Mr. Market Miscalculates: The Bubble Years and Beyond

Why is America in a financial crisis today? Mr. Market Miscalculates explains it all—how we got here and where we are going. The how we got here is brilliantly described in a collection of pieces from Grant's Interest Rate Observer, the Wall Street insider's Bible. The where we are going is treated in Jim Grant's up-to-the-minute introduction. No fan of Greenspan or Bernanke, Grant tells the unvarnished truth about America.

"There are many other uncanny examples of prescience in [Grant's] diagnosis of the conditions that led to the current crisis. His trademark clarity of thought and of expression are there throughout. So, thankfully in an analyst who is generally pessimistic, is a crackling sense of humor."

Financial Times

"This book treats a serious topic with humor, embodying investor confusion in the character of an imaginary investor, Mr. Market, who buys and sells shares with whimsical abandon. Financial scenarios are illustrated with catchy, on-point cartoons."

Financial Planning

"You can read all about the folly [of recent years] in Mr. Market Miscalculates and you should probably weep while doing so. But James Grant writes too well, thinks too clearly and is just too darn funny to distract one from the narratives that make this book worth every penny it might cost you to purchase it."