Principles of Macroeconomics

Principles of Macroeconomics


Principles of Macroeconomics provides a deeper understanding of economics by eliminating overwhelming detail and focusing on core principles that are reinforced. Renowned authors Frank, Bernanke, and Antonovics provides a rigorous and theoretical treatment of concepts in an easy-to-follow and logical format. With engaging questions, explanations and exercises, the authors help students relate economic principles to a host of everyday experiences. Throughout the process, the authors encourage students to become "Economic Naturalists" — people who employ basic economic principles to understand and explain what they observe in the world around them.

Table of Contents

Part 1: Introduction

Part 2: Macroeconomics: Data and Issues

  • Chapter 4: Macroeconomics: The Bird's-Eye View of the Economy

  • Chapter 5: Measuring Economic Activity: GDP and Unemployment

  • Chapter 6: Measuring the Price Level and Inflation

Part 3: The Economy in the Long Run

  • Chapter 7: Economic Growth, Productivity, and Living Standards

  • Chapter 8: Workers, Wages, and Unemployment

  • Chapter 9: Saving and Capital Formation

  • Chapter 10: Money, Prices, and the Federal Reserve

  • Chapter 11: Financial Markets and International Capital Flows

Part 4: The Economy in the Short Run

  • Chapter 12: Short-Term Economics Fluctuations: An Introduction

  • Chapter 13: Spending and Output in the Short Run

  • Chapter 14: Stabilizing the Economy: The Role of the Fed

  • Chapter 15: Aggregate Demand, Aggregate Supply, and Inflation

Part 5: The International Economy