Step by Step Bond Investing

Step by Step Bond Investing

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Step by Step Bond Investing - A Beginner's Guide to the Best Investments and Safety in the Bond Market: Step by Step Investing, Volume 3

Step by Step Bond Investing presents bonds as a critical investment tool in reaching your financial goals. As one of the most neglected investing material, this book shows you the kind of safety and security you’ll get from bonds. You’ll get stable returns for decades and not have to worry about constant crashes in the stock market, nearly guaranteeing cash flows to pay for your expenses and the retirement you deserve. With discussions about the four types of bonds that everyone should have in their portfolios, it also covers the step-by-step investing strategies to help you understand how much of your portfolio to invest and how to do it. Step by Step Bond Investing also includes the five risks in bond investing, ways to reduce and avoid risks altogether, and instructions to minimize cost and maximize your return.

"Joseph takes an unfamiliar concept like bond investing and gives readers a simple process to achieve their goals."
—Barry Peters, Wealth Monitor Daily

"Joseph brings top credentials and real world experience to investment education in this book. Learn smart investing tenets that work."
—Barbara A. Friedberg, Friedberg Personal Finance

"This book does a terrific job explaining bonds, why they should be a part of a person's portfolio as well as offering bond investing strategies. It explains difficult concepts like how bond prices react to rising interest rates in a way that anyone can understand. The sections on types of bonds and risks in the bond market are particularly useful for when you're putting together your bond investing strategy."
—Anne Schwab, CFP(R)

"Investing in the stock market is one thing, but Investing in bonds is another level of confusing and complicated. Joseph Hogue not only has the experience and education in the industry to understand the subject matter, but also the ability to break down this subject in a way that makes sense to someone like me who's got no experience in how bond Investing works."
—Jay Fleischman, Esq.

"Don't neglect bond investing and don't neglect this book. Too many investors avoid bond investing because they aren't as hyped as stocks or other investments. The author does a good job of pointing out the advantages of bonds against these other investments and why you should build a bond investing strategy for your portfolio."
—Darlene Fast, verified Amazon purchase

"Makes bond investing easy! I've always used mutual funds and ETFs for my bond investing but this book convinced me to add some individual bond investments to my strategy. The book goes into detail about the difference between mutual fund or bond fund investments and individual bonds. The investing strategy section then puts together a plan to use both for a simple strategy to get the best of both worlds."
—Steven Clements