Brian Stutland

Brian Stutland

Formal First Name

Brian Stutland is the Founder and Managing Member of Equity Armor Investments, an award-winning wealth management firm based in Chicago, Illinois. His expertise and comprehensive knowledge of volatility came from his days as a market maker and trader on the Chicago Board Options Exchange. Since becoming a contributor to CNBC in 2008, Stutland has been educating investors about the markets during his regular weekly commentary while broadcasting from any of the major trading floors in the United States.

Professional Experience

Academic History


  • Stutland established his own floor trading business in 2002, trading an entire portfolio of stocks as a proprietary market making CBOE Member
  • By 2006, he continued to trail blaze as one of the first traders to assume positions in VIX Volatility futures and options
  • He has been proven a true market participant when he founded the biggest VIX options market-making firms by electronic volume on the CBOE from 2006 to 2014.
  • After forming Stutland Equities, he pioneered the shift to electronic options trading, becoming one of the first remote market makers on the CBOE.  
  • He helps to service clients in the financial world and create licensed indices using Equity Armor’s proprietary trading methodologies.
  • He currently holds licenses for Series 65 and 56.