David Hay

David Hay

Formal First Name

David Hay is Co-Chief Investment Officer, Founder Emeritus, and Partner at Evergreen Gavekal, an independent investment advisor serving high net worth clients. He also serves as the Author and Host of Haymaker, a weekly newsletter that reflects his four decades of experience, high-level market insights, actionable economic forecasts, and plenty of friendly candor along the way. Hay is a longtime investment advisor. He has been navigating the securities industry since 1979. He started his career at Dean Witter Reynolds, later becoming Senior Vice President and the youngest member to be appointed to Dean Witter’s elite Chairman’s Council. Previously, Hay was Senior Vice President and Senior Portfolio Manager at Morgan Stanley. In addition to his roles, he also served on Morgan Stanley's Directors Advisory Group, which worked closely with top management on such issues as merger integration and client service enhancement. Hay is also the author of Bubble 3.0: History's Biggest Financial Bubble: Who Blew it and How to Protect Yourself When it Blows Apart.

Professional Experience

Academic History



  • Haymaker is a weekly financial newsletter centered on making sense of current market conditions and how they impact strategic investment positioning.

  • The newsletter offers targeted guidance on sectors and securities they think are headed for trouble, and investments they are neutral on.


  • Hay and his team joined Smith Barney in 1990 and were instrumental in establishing the Portfolio Advisory Program.

  • While at Smith Barney Directors Advisory Group, he gained valuable experience in merger integration and client service enhancement.

  • He is an expert on the financial markets and can often shed light on overlooked segments of the economy.  

  • He issued advance warnings about the late 1990s tech bubble, the early 2000s housing bubble and, most recently, what he believed to be history’s biggest financial bubble that hit a climax in 2021.