Jeff Cox

Jeff Cox

Formal First Name

Jeff Cox is the Finance Editor for CNBC. In this role, he serves as Chief Federal Reserve Correspondent and oversees all finance coverage for the site. His stories are consistently among the most-read items on CNBC every day as he interviews some of the brightest and most notable analysts and advisors in the financial industry. In addition to this, Cox makes regular appearances on CNBC TV and on radio shows throughout the country. During his over 30 years of career in journalism, Cox has covered everything—from the collapse of the financial system to presidential politics to local government battles in his native Pennsylvania.

Professional Experience

Academic History

  • Cox began his career in journalism in 1987.
  • He spent 18 years in print, including 9 years in senior editing positions.
  • He was the first mainstream journalist to write about bitcoin.
  • He was the first to cover the Occupy Wall Street movement.
  • He was writing about funding pressures in overnight lending markets for a year before the story exploded in September 2019. 
  • He served as lead editor for award-winning projects on gangs, child molestation, and the cost of education.
  • The cost of education series was honored by the New Jersey Press Association for public service journalism.
  • He has been a guest speaker at Columbia University's Hechinger Institute.
  • He has been a judge in several newspaper competitions.
  • He helped report the collapse of Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers.
  • He wrote insightful and important stories about the demise of some of Wall Street’s leading names and how investors could navigate their way through the crisis.
  • His articles have appeared on the Web for USA Today, the Christian Science Monitor, Yahoo Finance, and other CNBC partners.
  • He wrote extensively on alternative energy while at CNN and covered technology and banking as well.
  • The Pennsylvania Newspaper Association cited him twice for commentary, including a series of columns he wrote after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
  • He has appeared as a guest on Real Vision.