How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes

How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes


How an Economy Grows and Why it Crashes uses illustration, humor, and accessible storytelling to explain complex topics of economic growth and monetary systems. It explains the roots of economic growth, the uses of capital, the destructive nature of consumer credit, the source of inflation, the importance of trade, savings, and risk, and many other topical principles of economics. The tales told here may appear simple on the surface, but they will leave you with a powerful understanding of How an Economy Grows and Why it Crashes.

This book addresses the following questions:

  • Why governments can spend without ever seeming to run out of money?
  • Why some countries are rich while others are poor?
  • Whether spending or saving is the best cure for a bad economy?
  • Where inflation comes from?
  • Why it's so hard to catch a fish with your bare hands?