Renewable Energy Finance

Renewable Energy Finance

Full Name
Renewable Energy Finance: Powering the Future

Renewable Energy Finance describes in rich detail current best practices and evolving trends in clean energy investing. With contributions from some of the world's leading experts in energy finance, the book documents how investors are spending over US$200 billion each year on financing renewable energy and positioning themselves in a global investment market that will continue to expand at double-digit growth rates through the end of the decade. Renewable Energy Finance will serve an audience of readers craving a practitioner's perspective that avoids industry clichés, self-promotion, and grandstanding.

  • Renewable Energy Finance serves an audience of readers craving intelligent, practical perspectives on the future of clean energy investment.

  • This book provides an insider’s perspective on renewable energy transactions, and insights into how countries like the US, India and China are responding to the global energy challenge.

  • It includes a foreword by Lord Brown and contributions from some of the world’s leading experts in energy finance.

  • It documents first-hand experiences of the challenges of balancing risk and return amid volatile market conditions and rapid shifts in government policy.

Table of Contents

Section I:

Section II:

  • Markets, Governments and Renewable Electricity (Richard Green)

  • The Impact of Government Policies on Renewable Energy Investment (Gireesh Shrimali)

  • Mobilizing Private Sector Capital in Developing Countries (Alexandre Chavarot & Matthew Konieczny)

  • Renewable Energy Finance in China (Philip Andrews-Speed & Sufang Zhang)

  • Measuring the Carbon Delta of Investment Performance (Celine McInerney & Derek Bunn)

Section III:

  • The Growing Role for Private Equity (Brian Potskowski & Chris Hunt)

  • Project Finance and the Supply of Credit from Commercial Banks (Alejandro Ciruelos Alonso)

  • The Untapped Potential of Institutional Investors (David Nelson)

  • The Spectacular Growth of Solar PV Leasing (Bruce Usher & Albert Gore)

  • Crowdfunding: Ready for the Big Leagues? (Karl Harder & Sam Friggens)