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SuperCash: The New Hedge Fund Capitalism

SuperCa$h examines the many new types of investments that have been developed over the past few years by top hedge funds and investors around the world. Through detailed examples and up-to-the-minute advice, this book reveals how you can take advantage of these investments and offers a dozen strategies that can be used to supersize your returns. Turning cash into supercash is not just a style of investing, but a way of life. Going down the supercash path may be challenging, but the rewards are well worth it.

Praise for SuperCash

"A lively and intelligent work."

Adam Smith, author of Supermoney

"James Altucher is scary smart, and also a font of great and original ideas. So it's no surprise that SuperCa$h is so much fun to read and so devilishly informative. It is equally full of 'holy cow!' moments and 'why-didn't-I-think-of-that?' moments. A true keeper."

― Stephen J. Dubner, coauthor of Freakonomics

"Altucher describes in easy-to-understand terms the strategies used by the smartest managers in the world―those who are running the hottest hedge funds―to show how they are making money today. SuperCa$h is a great primer for those who are looking to trade like the pros. And it helps that Altucher writes in a clear and fun style!"

John Mauldin, President of Millennium Wave Advisors, LLC, and author of Bull's Eye Investing