The Golden Revolution

The Golden Revolution

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The Golden Revolution: How to Prepare for the Coming Global Gold Standard

The Golden Revolution goes much farther than predict a return to gold. It explores just what the transition might look like. Most importantly, it prepares the reader with practical investment advice for the coming return to gold, including thoughts on interest rates, exchange rates, credit spreads, equity market valuations, and risk premia for assets in general. The Golden Revolution is a compelling vision of the future and a detailed road map for navigating what is likely to be the most challenging investment landscape in generations.

Praise for The Golden Revolution

"John Butler provides much illuminating detail on how the world′s monetary system got into its present mess. And if you′re wondering what comes next, this is the book to read."

Bill Bonner, author of Empire of Debt, Financial Reckoning Day, and Mobs, Messiahs and Markets

"John Butler has written an indispensable reference on the subject of gold as money. His book is a combination of history, analysis, and e onomics that the reader will find useful in understanding the use and misuse of gold standards over the past century. The golden Revolution is a useful and timely contribution to the growing literature on gold and gold standards in monetary systems. I highly recommend it."

James Rickards, author of Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis

"In The Golden Revolution, John Butler makes a powerful case for a return to the gold standard and offers a plausible path for our nation to get there. Enlightened investors who blaze the trail will likely reap the greatest reward. For those still wandering in the dark, this book provides necessary light to keep you headed in the right direction."

 — Peter Schiff, CEO, Euro Pacific Precious Metals

"John Butler′s historical treasure trove empowers the reader to understand, prepare, and act. To have a chance to emerge unscathed from financial turmoil, join the Golden Revolution. I have."

Axel Merk, Merk Funds

"The Golden Revolution is another indispensable step on the road map back to sound money. John Butler′s experience of the modern ′fiat′ banking world, combined with his understanding of the virtues of a disciplined monetary system, allow for genuine insight into the practical steps that could, and surely will be taken to reestablish gold as money."

Ned Naylor-Leyland, Investment Director MCSI, Cheviot Asset Management

"John has used his exemplary knowledge of money to lay out a cogent framework for the transition of society based on fiat money to a more honest society forged by gold. He has taken the complexity and given us simplicity. Monetary economics and its interrelationship with geopolitics, finance, and society are extraordinarily complex, but he has managed to assimilate a vast array of information and distill it in a simple and thoroughly thoughtful framework. That is an art many academic writers never achieve."

Ben Davies, Co-Founder and CEO, Hinde Capital