The Successful Investor Today

The Successful Investor Today

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The Successful Investor Today: 14 Simple Truths You Must Know When You Invest

The Successful Investor Today teaches you how to build, write, implement, and manage your investment plan over time. This book will help you become a better and more informed investor, and it will help you achieve your financial goals by gradually increasing your wealth. Apart from offering an up-to-date winning strategy, The Successful Investor Today presents an efficient and proven way to avoid the most common—and costly—mistakes investors continue to make.

Praise for The Successful Investor Today

"Larry Swedroe hits the bullseye every time. If you want to dig out from your losses and set a new course for the twenty-first-century market, read this book."

— Jane Bryant Quinn, Newsweek columnist and coauthor of Making the Most of Your Money

"It's the rare financial-services professional who truly understands the psychology of the markets and investors. It's the rarer money man who can write. Larry Swedroe is both, as The Successful Investor Today will prove beyond the shadow of a doubt."

— Gary Belsky, co-author of Why Smart People Make Big Money Mistakes and How To Correct Them

"Those seeking the truths of the financial marketplace have just hit the jackpot. Mr. Swedroe provides fourteen of them: profitable and entertaining doozies one and all."

 Bill Bernstein, M.D., author of The Four Pillars of Investing and The Intelligent Asset Allocator