Escape from the Central Bank Trap

Escape from the Central Bank Trap

Full Name
Escape from the Central Bank Trap: How to Escape From the $20 Trillion Monetary Expansion Unharmed

Escape from the Central Bank Trap is about realistic solutions for the threat of zero-interest rates and excessive liquidity. The United States needs to take the first step, defending sound money and a balanced budget, recovering the middle-class by focusing on increasing disposable income. The rest will follow. Our future should not be low growth and high debt. Cheap money becomes very expensive in the long run. There is an escape from the Central Bank Trap.

Praise for Escape from the Central Bank Trap

"Lacalle is one of the leading next-generation economists who can simplify the complex. His teachings come from a market practitioner's perspective. This book is about the economic truth."
⁠— Keith McCullough, Chief Executive Officer, Hedgeye Risk Management

"Escape from the Central Bank Trap provides a penetrating framework for understanding the co-dependencies among today's monetary policy, the economy, and the financial markets. Lacalle's book draws out how these co-dependencies developed, the risks that have since evolved, and outlines the necessary tough medicine needed to return to a more sustainable condition."

⁠— Michael Purves, Chief Global Strategist, Weeden & Co.