Invest in Europe Now!

Invest in Europe Now!

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Invest in Europe Now!: Why Europe's Markets Will Outperform the US in the Coming Years

With the U.S. market in shambles, investors are looking for other places to put their money. Invest in Europe Now is one of the most informative guides to making money outside North America. It outlines the best ways to take advantage of the rapidly shifting global financial environment and shows you what indicators to follow, what instruments and markets are best poised for growth, and how to avoid various pitfalls along the way. Invest in Europe Now reveals the realities of investing in Europe and how you can benefit from doing so.

Praise for Invest in Europe Now!

"In this book, David and Vincenzo guide both the novice and the experienced investor on the journey of careful investing in Europe. In this book, David and Vincenzo guide the fundamentals of economic competitiveness, currency volatility, and tax considerations. This book should be the first book for the investor truly interested in proper due diligence before the first dollar is spent."

John E. Silvia, Chief Economist, Wells Fargo

"David Kotok is that rarest of creatures on Wall Street: objective, creative, unemotional, intelligent, and curious. If Kotok says you should look closely at Europe as an investment option, well then, you best drop everything else and look more closely at Europe!"

Barry Ritholtz, author, Bailout Nation, and Creator/Writer, The Big Picture

"An excellent read and a must for investors. Kotok and Sciarretta clearly identify the forces that will shape investment returns in the years to come and provide tools and a strategic framework to help the investor navigate through the complex investment landscape."

Dr. William C. Dunkelberg, Chief Economist, National Federation of Independent Business

"Kotok and Sciarretta pose a profound challenge to the conventional wisdom, that says the dollar will remain the dominant reserve currency of the world. Whether or not the EU outperforms the U.S. economy as they suggest, the mere fact that credible observers are thinking about such possibilities represents a revolutionary, potentially destabilizing trend for the United States."

Christopher Whalen, Cofounder, Institutional Risk Analytics

"Kotok and Sciarretta's volume provides a crucial view of the U.S.-EU competition for economic and financial preeminence in the post-credit crisis world. The volume is therefore a valuable starting point for viewing the dynamics of the potential shifts in global hegemony and investing accordingly."

Dr. Joseph R. Mason, Hermann Moyse, Jr./Louisiana Bankers Association Endowed Professor of Banking, Louisiana State University