The Little Book of Bull Moves in Bear Markets

The Little Book of Bull Moves in Bear Markets

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The Little Book of Bull Moves in Bear Markets: How to Keep Your Portfolio Up When the Market is Down

The Little Book of Bull Moves in Bear Markets reveals how you should protect your assets and invest your money when the American economy is experiencing perilous economic downturns. Filled with insightful commentary, inventive metaphors, and prescriptive advice, this book shows you how to make money under adverse market conditions by using a conservative, nontraditional investment strategy.

Praise for The Little Book of Bull Moves in Bear Markets

"Peter Schiff is one of the few financial analysts who understand the Federal Reserve's responsibility for the boom-and-bust cycle plaguing the American economy. Anyone wishing to know why the American economy is in trouble should add this book to their reading list."

Ron Paul, United States Congressman

"Schiff was warning us about our fragile economic foundation long before the first cracks started to appear. There are plenty of market cheerleaders out there, but if you want advice from a market realist who has been proven right again and again, read this book."

Glenn Beck, Host, The Glenn Beck Program

"Peter Schiff understands the big financial picture better than most Wall Street professionals. Investors—with or without experience—will benefit from his insights, making this book a must-read."

Jim Rogers, international investor