Invest Outside the Box

Invest Outside the Box

Full Name
Invest Outside the Box: Understanding Different Asset Classes and Strategies

Invest Outside the Box is a practical and concise guide to major asset classes, investment strategies, and foreign markets. For investors familiar with one box of investments, this book serves as a non-technical introduction to other boxes worth diversifying into, such as bonds, real estate, private equity, cryptocurrencies, and Chinese A-shares. Readers with no prior finance background will find this book an accessible entry point to investing. This volume can serve as course material for introductory investing classes or as an on-the-job guidebook for professionals and practicing investors.

Praise for Invest Outside the Box

“I give this book to my sales, trading, and legal teams as a great foundation to build market and product knowledge” 

Bill Bamber, Managing Director, Structured Investment Products, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC)

“An excellent logical and explanatory guide to the assets and strategies available to investors globally”

Emanuel Derman, Columbia University