Capital Allocators

Capital Allocators

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Capital Allocators: How the World's Elite Money Managers Lead and Invest

The chief investment officers at endowments, foundations, family offices, pension funds, and sovereign wealth funds are the leaders in the world of finance. They marshal trillions of dollars on behalf of their institutions and influence how capital flows throughout the world. However, few participants understand how they allocate their time and their capital. Capital Allocators is the essential new reference manual for current and aspiring CIOs, the money managers that work with them, and everyone allocating a pool of capital.

Praise for Capital Allocators

"Ted Seides expertly distills interviews that he conducted directly into a book that seamlessly covers executive, leadership and investment skills and lessons. Capital Allocators is a well-crafted and informative read for existing and prospective investment professionals as well as for those who work with the investment industry in any capacity."

Gregory J. Fleming, President and CEO, Rockefeller Capital Management

"This book boils down the most interesting insights and important lessons from the biggest and most powerful investors on earth—the ones that literally put the capital in capitalism. It offers a glimpse into the thinking of capital allocators in a coherent and digestible format. It should be required reading for anybody interested in investing and certainly will be for my students!"

Ashby H. B. Monk, PhD, Executive Director, Global Projects Center, Stanford University

"Unlike many invest like the best books, Capital Allocators does not pretend there is some magic trick that will turn anyone into an investing genius. Instead, Ted Seides details how great investors do the hard work that leads to better outcomes. You won't get rich quickly reading this book, but if you take the time to really understand the lessons it teaches, you will be a better, more thoughtful investor."

Ben Inker, Head of Asset Allocation, GMO

"The world of institutional investing needed Ted's voice—it just didn’t know it yet. With this book, and with his unparalleled podcast, Ted has brought a whole hidden world to a broader audience, and anyone interested in how the world’s most prominent investors move money is better for it."

Kip McDaniel, Editor-in-Chief, Institutional Investor

"Ted understands the nuance of investment management better than anyone I know because he's talked to more investors than anyone I know. It's been said that books don’t change minds; sentences do. There are so many good lines in this book it's hard to put down."

Morgan Housel, Partner, Collaborative Fund

"Capital Allocators is an excellent collection of toolkits and frameworks for investing that reflect both the institutions and the different styles of their CIOs. Capital Allocators is a starting manual for all the things aspiring CIOs need to consider as they develop their style and strategic vision. Importantly, Ted acknowledges that there are many ways to be a successful CIO and that CIOs can learn from each other in that diversity of viewpoints."

Ana Marshall, CIO, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

"Ted has made the world of capital allocation approachable for everyone across hundreds of conversations. Now he's further distilled the lessons into a package that will make any investor better at what they do. Required reading."

— Patrick O'Shaughnessy, CEO, O'Shaughnessy Asset Management

"A fantastically broad, deep guide to the asset allocator's world. I wish it had been written 25 years ago. The quotations in it are alone worth the price. You can quote me on that."

Andrew Golden, CIO, Princeton University Investment Management Company