The Only Guide to a Winning Bond Strategy You'll Ever Need

The Only Guide to a Winning Bond Strategy You'll Ever Need

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The Only Guide to a Winning Bond Strategy You'll Ever Need: The Way Smart Money Preserves Wealth Today

The Only Guide to a Winning Bond Strategy You'll Ever Need is an up-to-date book on how to invest in today's bond market. It covers a range of issues pertinent to any bond investor today including bond-speak, the risks of fixed income investing, mortgage-backed securities, and municipal bonds. This no-nonsense handbook contains all the information necessary to design and construct your fixed income portfolio.

Praise for The Only Guide to a Winning Bond Strategy You'll Ever Need

"One of the great untold tragedies of modern finance is the mayhem wreaked upon an unsuspecting public in the bond markets. Whether you're a small investor or an institutional player, the odds are that not only have you been savaged by this machine, but that you don't even know it. Few people know fixed income investing as well as Larry Swedroe; "The Only Guide to a Winning bond Investment Strategy You'll Ever Need" will steer you through these dangerous waters in safety and comfort."

 Bill Bernstein, author of The Four Pillars of Investing, The Intelligent Asset Allocator, and The Birth of Plenty

"There's an ol' saying in personal finance and investing: 'You build wealth in stocks, and you preserve it in bonds." Well, here's a book that offers the best of both worlds! These guys show you how bonds can not only preserve your wealth, they can help you build wealth too!"

— Paul B. Farrell, JD, PhD, columnist, CBS MarketWatch, author of The Millionaire Code, Lazy Person's Guide to Investing, The Winning Portfolio, and others

"A bond book for our time. Clearly, given that most financial observers believe the equity premium is going to decline over the foreseeable future making bonds a relatively better investment, we need to start focusing more on bonds as an investment vehicle. This book provides an excellent roadmap of the bond markets and bonds as a personal investment."

— Edward R. Wolfe, Ph. D., Professor of Finance, and Director of the Financial Planning Program, Western Kentucky University