The Real Crash

The Real Crash

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The Real Crash: America's Coming Bankruptcy

Our system is broken and there are only two paths forward. The one we're on now leads to a currency and sovereign debt crisis that will utterly destroy our economy and impoverish the vast majority of our citizens. Persuasively argued and provocative, The Real Crash explains how we got into this mess, how we might get out of it, and what happens if we don't. It explains how to protect yourself, your family, your money, and your country against what he predicts.

Praise for The Real Crash

Peter Schiff sounded the alarm about the housing bubble created by the Federal Reserve and predicted the bubble's inevitable collapse, yet he was ignored by mainstream economists and ridiculed by the media. In The Real Crash, he is at it again, illustrating how the financial crisis of 2008 is nothing compared to what is coming down the road. Peter Schiff is right again. I hope more people listen this time.”

Ron Paul, Congressman

“America's political leaders should have taken Peter's 2007 book, Crash Proof, to heart before they tried to borrow, print, and bail us out of trouble. Today, they absolutely must take heed of The Real Crash. Peter Schiff understands the marketplace, and he understands the consequences that occur when government attempts to manage that marketplace. Pay attention, America!”

― Gary Johnson, former Governor of New Mexico

Peter Schiff is an original thinker, a man of startling insight and honesty, in many ways, a genius. I have learned that you disagree with him at your peril. He is one of the few men of finance of whom I wish I could say I had paid more attention to. Live and learn. Read and learn.”

Ben Steinauthor, actor, political and economic commentator

Peter Schiff says the Fed's bubble machine is destroying the American economy and he is right. Zero interest rates and QE are crushing savers, rewarding speculators, and enabling the Washington politicians to issue endless debt. Every concerned citizen should read this.”

David Stockman, Former OMB director under President Ronald Reagan

Peter Schiff has been painfully right about the downward spiral of the U.S. economy over the last four years. Easy money, rising tax rates, and unbridled debt are a prescription for economic disaster. Let's hope Barack Obama reads this.”

Stephen Moore, Economist and Fox News commentator

Peter Schiff was one of the few pundits who predicted correctly the 2008 economic and financial collapse. Now, he makes a compelling case in a highly readable book that the day will come when the world stops trusting the dollar and the ability of the US government to pay its debts. I agree with him that "Then we'll get the real crash.”

Marc Faber, Editor, The Gloom Boom & Doom Report