Value & Momentum Breakouts

Value & Momentum Breakouts

Value & Momentum Breakouts is designed for investors who appreciate having easy access to quick picks from many top quantitative financial models across different types of investing strategies. JD Henning identifies breakout signals and breakdown warnings using technical and fundamental analysis. He offers the Momentum Gauges® indicator, which provides easy signals on market direction. It also utilizes the simple Bull/Bear ETF strategy that is structured to take advantage of both bull and bear markets. Value & Momentum Breakouts is the place to build your own optimal portfolio mix with a community of like-minded investors and traders. If you are looking for top tested picks to succeed in a bear market, this service is for you.


  • Weekly Momentum Breakouts.

    4 weekly aggressive and highly volatile stock selections designed to substantially increase the selection frequency of 5% and 10% gains over short breakout periods.

  • Piotroski-Graham Enhanced Value Portfolios.

    Annual value stock selections that build upon Joseph Piotroski's and Benjamin Graham's most successful financial value algorithms, well-documented to outperform over many years. 

  • Forensic Positive & Negative Value Portfolios.

    Annual value stock selections that combine the four top forensic models of Beneish, Altman, Montier, and Ohlson to identify stock outliers that generate abnormal returns.

  • Growth & Dividend Portfolio.

    Growth & Dividend portfolio concentrates on the 10% of market stocks above $10 billion market cap and looks for good Dividend Growth opportunities.

  • Active Premium Portfolio.

    The new Premium Portfolio delivers active Buy / Sell alerts focused on the best combination of all the financial models leveraged across all V&M Portfolios. 


  • The indicator  not only alerts subscribers of market changes, but the strength of markets for short term breakouts or breakdown warnings across 11 different sectors.

  • The indicator informs and enhances every investment and trade decision in my service - indicating either positive or negative momentum